“It appeared that there had even been demonstrations to thank Big Brother for raising the chocolate ration to twenty grams a week. And only yesterday […] it had been announced that the ration was to be reduced to twenty grams a week. Was it possible that they could swallow that, after only twenty-four hours? Yes, they swallowed it. […] The eyeless creature at the other table swallowed it fanatically. passionately, with a furious desire to track down, denounce, and vaporize anyone who should suggest that last week the ration had been thirty grams. Syme, too-in some more double complex way, involving doublethink-Syme, swallow it. Was he, then, alone in the possession of a memory?”
IT was “Lucky” Larry Silverstein who PULLED IT…there is no such thing as a “hidden hand” of history, no matter how big the Martin Short Zaney’s hand bag is!!!
“It appeared that there had even been demonstrations to thank Big Brother for raising the chocolate ration to twenty grams a week. And only yesterday […] it had been announced that the ration was to be reduced to twenty grams a week. Was it possible that they could swallow that, after only twenty-four hours? Yes, they swallowed it. […] The eyeless creature at the other table swallowed it fanatically. passionately, with a furious desire to track down, denounce, and vaporize anyone who should suggest that last week the ration had been thirty grams. Syme, too-in some more double complex way, involving doublethink-Syme, swallow it. Was he, then, alone in the possession of a memory?”
― Orwell George, 1984
That was back in the day, when Canadian comedy was funny.
IT was “Lucky” Larry Silverstein who PULLED IT…there is no such thing as a “hidden hand” of history, no matter how big the Martin Short Zaney’s hand bag is!!!
pulled down the towers….
Dr. K.
Why you kicking Howie Mandel when he is down Dr. K?
that’s not kosher
he’s part of our tribe
Eat your KUPUS howie.
get your gut flora right with sour cabbage.
your childhood Rockefellon WASP vaxx destroyed your gut probiotics.
In Star Wars they call it MEDECHOLIRIANS
use the Farce HOWIE
MY HANDS HAVE the highest Midi-chlorian count in the WORLD
because i NEVER sanitize with un natural SANITIZER
Darn it Anakin, just because Dr. Kovac can’t spell your probiotic fiction properly doesn’t make him a bad doctor.
Nobody is perfect.
only a fool thinks he knows everything.
Sorry, FORCE
Not the FARCE
i’m sorry, English is not my first language.